Smart Link Hokkaido
IT Agricultural Solutions
Creating the Future of Agriculture
〜Fusion of existing agricultural technology and IT technology〜
Systematize the know-how of farmers with rich experience and knowledge to increase productivity
and promote the introduction of highly cost-effective services,
Realize profitable and attractive agriculture and disseminate our knowledge to the world
Actively promoting "IT" in agriculture and expansion of agricultural business model
Agriculture × IT
Development and research of a new system called "Smart Agriculture” ・Automatic tractor driving system using GNSS (positioning information)
・Crop growth monitoring system using satellite data
・Support for introduction of high-precision weather observation equipment -
Expansion of agricultural business models (high value-added to multi-faceted)
・Processing and sales of products at complex facilities, including full support for 6th industrialization and local resource conversion projects in agriculture
・Actively promote the development of new sales channels and the creation of tourism resources in agricultural areas by integrating existing farming operations and IT
Digitalization (visualization) of agricultural management knowledge and consulting business
Introduction of knowledge management
・Creating a database of agricultural management knowledge and promoting the use of management know-how
・Cost estimation by comparison with conventional farming methods, and measurement of effectiveness using IT agriculture -
Consulting business utilizing the knowledge of IT agriculture
・Provide consulting services to new companies entering the agriculture industry
・Proposals and operational support for agriculture utilizing self-developed systems and remote sensing
・Contracting and temporary staffing services related to agricultural work, etc

Building a cooperative system with local governments and farmers and supporting local demonstrations to local implementation using government subsidies.
We are also working on a GPS automated tractor system, which was the theme of the movie "Shitamachi Rocket”,When Mr. Jun Ikeido, the author of the original novel, visited Hokkaido, we invited him for a site visit.

Attachment System for Creating Traveling Lines
- Enables creation of travel lines including turning parts that could not be expressed by conventional GPS guidance equipment. Improves work efficiency
- Enables creation of optimum driving lines for each field and operation, such as a combination of one-pulling, two-pulling, and other types of driving lines
- Each driving history can be saved on a PC, so it can be utilized in other fields or saved as a record of the previous year's work

Reducing Excessive Labor and Enhancing Agricultural Efficiency
Agricultural Spraying Service
- Agricultural material spraying service using drones for aerial spraying
- Surveying of the local field in advance and fully autonomous flight enables work to be carried out with uniform accuracy
- Mapping service (color images, NDVI images) using aerial photography drones is also available